My name is Kuba. I do web stuff. Currently as

Junior Front-end Developer

Why Front-end Development?

Because it is a life-long learning curve with limitless development opportunities, no boundaries for creativity and you can do fun things with new technologies. Besides that it is the lingua franca of the globalised world. And last but not least I'd rather program than be programmed.

If you try hard enough you will succeed


  • wmiasto | Landing Page

    HTML, CSS, JS - make sure to press the submit button to play an immersive and addictive online GTA-like game. Built during infoshareAcademy bootcamp.

    wmiasto | React App

    HTML, CSS, ReactJS - search engine for local events. Built during infoshareAcademy bootcamp.

    Cahee | PSD to HTML

    HTML, CSS, JS, Jquery - Made with sweat and love. And stackoverflow.

Juniors are the Seniors of the future

Contact me


KiliƄskiego, Gdynia


+48 509 974 916